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30 Rock, “The Beginning of the End”: I (Peacock Symbol) This Show

By John Everett

One down, twelve to go, and may they all be as sensational as “The Beginning of the End.” The seventh-season premiere demonstrates the benefits of being able to plan for the end. The episode introduced several plots that will probably carry through to the end, and just about all of them seem promising.

Jack and Liz teaming up to take down NBC is one of the best ideas the show has ever had, even if the idea that Liz is the only one to see through Jack’s plan stretches credulity. All of the fake shows Jack has produced for NBC were brilliantly bad, and made me wish I had waited a day to put out my list of the best fake TV shows they’ve ever done. Best of all: Jack turning NBC Thursday night over to the info channel you get in your hotel.

30 Rock has always gotten a lot of mileage out of mocking their network, but this plot could take it to a whole new level. Knowing they’ll get to end things on their own might mean they can be really brutal. Tonight the show made fun of NBC’s attempt to make “We (Peacock symbol) Comedy” a slogan.

Jenna’s marriage, Tracy’s movie studio, and the Kenneth-Hazel relationship are all good to very good story engines, although I admit that the episode’s momentum briefly came to a halt when Kenneth tried to figure out whether Tracy or Hazel was lying.

I’m really looking forward to 30 Rock’s big finale, even as I know I’ll be sad when it’s gone.


-I’d love to see Tracy Jordan’s unscheduled guest appearance on Family Matters. I was briefly sure they’d do a cut-away gag with Reginald Vel Johnson making a cameo appearance.

– Tracy was on fire tonight, from his realization that he was actually a functioning adult to his answer to Kenneth’s advice-seeking: “If you want advice, ask Liz Lemon, or an owl wearing glasses.”

-Frank can only have a hot sitcom wife if he gains 50 pounds.

-Jack’s God Cop co-star deserves a special Emmy for his line-readings during the airing of their barely-a-TV-show TV show. His open confusion about the premise played really well.

-So what does everyone think will be the finale? Liz going into labor at Jenna’s wedding? The show getting canceled, a la The Mary Tyler Moore Show?

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This entry was posted on October 4, 2012 by in John Everett and tagged , , .

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