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ABC Sunday: 3 Show Recap

By Emily Latka

Welcome back to my weekly ABC Sunday post! This week gave us even more to look forward to on all three of my favorite shows. Join me below as I give random thoughts about Once Upon a Time, Revenge, and 666 Park Avenue.

Once Upon a Time

This was a very Regina-centric episode and I didn’t mind. I love all the characters of Once Upon a Time, but Regina is just such a layered character, I can’t help but love her the most. My only nitpick was not seeing Mary Margaret and Emma until the very end. I realized how much I missed them! I also can’t stress enough how happy I am that the Enchanted Forest timeline and the Storybrooke timeline are happening simultaneously. I forget that the entirety of last season’s Fairytale Land content was completely past tense. This just adds so much more to the story! But Mulan, oh no you did NOT just hurt Snow. Not cool.

Biggest Questions/Concerns:

  • August! I miss you already! I was so relieved to see that shot of his puppet-self in the bed. He blinked! He’s alive! But I was so sad when Gepetto went to the Inn and he left his little puppet hat. Where did he go? If he leaves Storybrooke, he’ll lose his memory, right? Or is it because he was outside of Storybrooke, he won’t lose anything? So many questions here.
  • Am I the only one who doesn’t care yet about Dr. Whale? Everyone online is freaking out about his identity. He’ll always be creepy Uncle John to me.
  • I saw the preview for this week’s episode and felt SO bad for Sneezy. I was thinking, “Those bitches used their friend to test out the ‘What happens when you leave town?’ theory.” He just drew the short straw. But still, I was sad for him.
  • It all leads back to Rumpel, doesn’t it? He gave Regina’s mother the original spell book of their family. Of course he’s behind it all.
  • Cora! I was confused where Rumpel sent her, so I guess it was to the outer edge of the forest? Or was she somehow captured by the survivors somewhere? There are rumblings that she is actually the Queen of Hearts. Does anyone else agree?
  • Cue my exploding ovaries at Charming and Henry drinking soda together.


I’m still kicking myself for not watching the entire first season again before this season started. I should’ve at least have watched the hour long special ABC aired to get viewers caught up. Lesson learned, I suppose. I say that, not because the episode necessarily confused me, but because I felt about 5 steps behind. I felt like before every scene, I was off by 5 minutes, or missed a conversation right beforehand. It’s my own fault. But I thought the episode was done really well. Hooray for Emily’s savior! Hooray for the White Haired Man’s demise! Boo for Declan scenes.

Biggest Questions/Concerns:

  • My first thought after seeing the opening scene: Emily’s mom clearly kidnapped her. That was the memory she was finally remembering, right? She was kidnapped by her mother?
  • Seriously, Daniel and Ashley have NO chemistry at all.
  • I love that Emily’s revenge on Victoria involves “taking” Charlotte. The preview last week made it look like she was going to kill Charlotte. But she’ll just manipulate her! Love it. I was kind of hoping Charlotte would come to live  in her house along with Nolan and they’d kick it Real World style.
  • Victoria calling Conrad on the phone = the reason she’s the fiercest bitch on TV
  • At first I was like, kudos to ABC for not showing gratuitous spousal violence. Because even though Victoria is crazy and I dislike her, I didn’t need to see Conrad hit her.
  • I don’t care about this Nolan CFO subplot AT ALL. I don’t like this chick and desperately want Nolan to be with a hot dude.
  • Again, at first I was like, it’s not Jack’s baby and bears shit in the woods. But TWIST! Emily didn’t have to fix the results after all! How will Fauxmanda and Jack react if and when they find out?
  • So right when the White Haired Man knows he’s about to be thrown under the bus, he glances at the clam cam and knows Emily recorded it all. That’s a little far fetched to me. The camera was there all along and he never suspected it?
  • You gotta hand it to Victoria and Conrad for cleaning up all their messes at once like that.
  • Who is this kid with Declan? And why is Declan agreeing to harbor stolen goods?

666 Park Avenue

Okay so who is convinced this show has the goods? I was very intrigued by this episode and can’t wait to see more. Unfortunately the ratings took a nosedive last night. We can take comfort in the fact that almost every single Sunday night drama was down (thanks a lot, football), but the number of viewers for 666 Park Ave has me a little worried. I don’t want it to get canceled! I just want to say this: Gavin says to Jane that he loves a good murder mystery. That’s how I see this show; it’s like a murder mystery or a riddle. It’s not crazy or gory like American Horror Story. This is a slow burning show and I like it. I like this show like I liked The Shining. The build up and suspenseful questions are, to me, way more interesting than creepy ghost children and dead ladies in bathtubs.

Biggest Questions/Concerns:

  • I have a feeling Bellhop Tony is way more disgruntled than he lets on. He didn’t get the manager position and wasn’t even invited to the big party? That’s way harsh. I also didn’t like how he spoke to Jane. I have bad vibes from him.
  • The long opening shot further shows that Gavin has a keen interest in Henry. I wonder why he’s so important when Jane seems like the “brains” Gavin could use. And Gavin “testing” Henry, to see if he’d do the right thing, worries me. He clearly wants the good in Henry, but for probably not-so-good things.
  • Come on, Jane. Apartment Management 101: if you hear phantom noises behind a wall, always assume it’s a rabid animal! Don’t stick your face up to it!
  • Dave Annable needs his scruff back. Stat.
  • I’m not too jazzed about the bird angle. It’s just a little too Hitchcockian for me.
  • This exterminator’s speech about names for birds sounds familiar. Maybe he should’ve added an Unkindness of Ravens to the list?
  • I love the idea of Danielle killing all those men over the years. Has Gavin distorted time, or given her new memories, or a fountain of youth?

So what did everyone else think? Am I asking the right questions? Am I way off base? Sound off!

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This entry was posted on October 8, 2012 by in Emily Latka and tagged , , , , .

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