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The Vampire Diaries, “We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes”: A New Hunter Rises

By Cassie Belek and Emily Latka

This week, the sixth installment of The Vampire Diaries Season 4 was a doozy. Heads rolled, breakups occurred, and Jeremy became a Big Bad! Sort of.


Cassie: Elena’s hallucinations and attempted suicide. I’ve been waiting for this episode. I’ve been waiting for the episode that finally dealt with the consequences of Elena becoming a vampire. Yes, we got a taste of it last week, but this week we truly saw the emotional and mental toll it has taken on our heroine. Elena’s hallucinations were just reiterating what was already in her head: She’s a monster, she was supposed to die on that bridge (twice), and everyone has suffered because of her. The saddest part is that none of these things are technically untrue. Was it heartbreaking to watch a vision of her mother say these things to her? Yes. But her mother also made a lot of sense. Let’s just say that by the end of the episode, I had never been so desperate for Elena to become a human again. Elena can’t stand being a vampire any more than I can watch her be one.

Emily: I’m going to agree with Cassie here about Elena’s hallucinations and craziness. BUT it comes with a caveat: I actually love Elena as a vampire. Don’t get me wrong, the girl is going through hell and I feel for her. But in terms of where her story could’ve possibly gone other than vampirism, I don’t see it. I don’t see how her world could’ve continued the way it had been. Elena as boring and frail. Her entire life was dictated by vampires telling her to stay inside and be safe. She pushed back, of course,  and did have moments of bad-assery. But now as a vampire, we can finally see her become MORE, you know? And in the books (which I have not read), Elena becomes a vampire very early on. At least now it’s out of the way and we’ll see her deal with it. I just love this entire arc of Elena becoming a vampire, relishing in it, sorrowing in it, and then, hopefully, triumphing in it.


Cassie: It’s not exactly a storyline, but I was disappointed that Katherine only appeared in Elena’s hallucinations and wasn’t actually present in reality. Still, it was nice to have a glimpse of our favorite vampire. It’s probably a good thing that TVD has used Katherine so sparingly since Season 2 because it always keeps us wanting more. But seriously, just curl Nina Dobrev’s hair a little more often for us fans. 

Emily: I’m sorry, did you people SEE the end of this episode? Stelena is no more?!?! (I choose to believe “no more” is just for “right now.”) In all seriousness, the one thing that truly made me fall in love with this show, aside from the great writing and storytelling, was all Stefan. I think he’s an amazing character and no matter how bad ass and hot Damon is, he’s never been the male lead for me. And he never will be!!!!! (Sob.) So I just have to go with the demise of Stefan and Elena as the worst of the week.


Cassie: Chris, the hybrid that Jeremy killed in order to stop Elena’s curse. I knew Chris wasn’t long for this world when 1) I didn’t know who Tyler and Hayley were talking about for half the episode, and 2) Tyler promised him he’d have his back if he helped Stefan get to Elena. Chris was more than just a red shirt in this episode because he was also Tyler’s friend, a friend that Caroline and the gang were too easily willing to sacrifice to save Elena. If I were Tyler, I wouldn’t want to be around Caroline either, especially because she agreed to go on a date with Klaus in exchange for killing one of his hybrids. The gang was wrong to kill Chris, and I don’t think Tyler and Hayley are going to forget what happened so easily.

Emily: So I actually feel bad for April. I just feel bad that her storyline is boring and nothing has happened yet. I get it, it’s a slow build, and we’re supposed to have her around for a few episodes to see that she’s here to stay. Or not, whatever, they’ll kill her next week and no one will be sad at all. I’m bored typing this.


Cassie: BONNIE. She didn’t even do anything. And she’s letting herself be manipulated by Shane, who’s probably that immortal Silas dude that he was lecturing everyone about at the exhibit. Shane wants Bonnie to come to him when Jeremy’s mark is complete, and you just know that she’s going to do it because she’s Bonnie. Ugh.

Emily: I have to go with Tyler here. The “Bonnie of the Week” is essentially the person who makes you scream, “COME ON! Are you seriously doing this right now?! How can you possibly think this will end well?!” Ugh. Tyler, Tyler, Tyler… When has it ever ended well for a hybrid? Chris was someone we as an audience never got to know, so I didn’t feel sad for his death… I just felt frustrated by it. I did like how Tyler called Caroline out at the end of the episode by basically saying, “Hey just because this person wasn’t OUR friend or in our little incestuous group, he was MY friend and he mattered. He was a person. And now he’s dead.” I just wish Tyler could’ve taken a step back and not let his friend go against Klaus.


Cassie: Damon, for not exactly talking Elena out of killing herself, but for being able to connect with her in a way that Stefan hasn’t been able to. Also, he did technically save her when he threw her into the water and found her daylight ring before she burned in the sun.

Emily: Matt was useful to the Scooby plans this week! He actually dug up some helpful dirt for Damon. Who knew our little Matty was such a sleuth. This further proves my theory that Matt and Jeremy are going to team up, with Matt as the brains and Jeremy as the sexy, sexy brawn.


Cassie: So Elena and Stefan just broke up? Like, for real? Because she has strong feelings for Damon that she needs to explore? Is this Christmas for Cassie? Oh wait, it kind of is.

Emily: The best moment for me was Jeremy cutting the head off Chris the Hybrid with an axe. I love Jeremy Gilbert. But the fact that I find him having blood splattered across his face as attractive? The irony is not lost on me. Also, perhaps I need therapy. That was just super sexy! I can’t help it! And it was cool that it got the ball rolling on his new Hunter tattoo. I want to see how it develops and where this map actually leads.


Cassie: Damon and Elena had some crazy hot hand holding going on this week, but the most swoon-worthy moments were between Damon and the memory of Alaric. Damon sitting at Alaric’s desk and Damon ordering two bourbons at the Mystic Grill…come on, Matt Davis. Ditch your new series and please come back.

Emily: Tyler and Caroline’s kiss after their “fight” was cute. It was reminiscent of Stefan and Elena pretending to fight in Season 2, once Katherine showed up. I’m sorry, I’m just not over this yet. I can’t choose the hot hand holding between Damon and Elena because I’m in mourning.


Cassie: “We live in a town where, you know, anybody who knows stuff is creepy until proven otherwise.” – Matt, finally wising up to how Mystic Falls works. Also, kudos to Matt for figuring out a connection between Shane and the pastor who blew up the entire council.

Emily: Stefan’s line to Klaus: “You’re using your calm voice today. Who’s getting killed?” Classic Stefan and Klaus. Can they just make out and get it over with?


Cassie: Why was Jeremy of all people destined to be a vampire hunter? Is he going to question his destiny at all? What causes a person to be a potential hunter?

Emily: So now that Stefan and Elena broke up, how long will Damon actually wait before he pounces? And this Blind Item is TOTALLY about our TVD, right? RIGHT?


Cassie: On a scale of a 1860s Katherine flashback to a 1920s Klaus flashback, I give this episode a 1000s Elijah flashback. And considering how much I miss Elijah, that means it was pretty damn good.

Emily: And on my scale from Sage Basically Teaching Damon to Rape Women to Damon Teaching Elena Where A Vampire Heart Is, I give the episode an Anna Teaching Jeremy About His Own Ancestors. That just means that this episode set up SO much more to come and I’m ridiculously excited for all of it.

[Cassie and Emily both love to tweet about The Vampire Diaries. Follow them on Twitter @CassieBelek and @EmilyLatka.]

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This entry was posted on November 16, 2012 by in Cassie Belek, Emily Latka and tagged , .

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