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Vampire Diaries Season 4, Episode 2, “Memorial” Spoilers: 5 Tidbits to Tide You Over

By Emily Latka

I was pumped to get a screener of this week’s episode of The Vampire Diaries and boy did it deliver. I had read that “Memorial” was an amazing episode and way better than the already amazing premiere. It set us up for so many things to come, I feel like my head is still spinning!

So I decided to put together a quick list of slightly spoilery things from the upcoming episode. Don’t be mad that I can’t tell you everything. Take comfort in the fact that you’ll be taking that sweet, sweet TVD roller coaster ride this Thursday at 8 on the CW.

1. Stefan has scenes with everyone.

One of the sucky things about a show with a large cast is having to divide and conquer. But the even suckier thing? Season 3 Stefan had scenes with Elena, Damon and Klaus and hardly anyone else! If you’re like me and love Stefan with all your heart, you’ll be excited to see Stefan interacting with almost every single major character this week. Be on the lookout for a great Bonnie encounter.

2. Someone does a very sexy sign of the cross.

Trust me, just typing that out was weird for me. I was a Catholic school kid my entire life. But I’m serious: you’ll be sizzling at seeing this person walk into a church.

3. Super amazing vampire hearing has never been cooler!

Sometimes I forget that our trusty vampires have such cool hearing abilities. This episode features one of the greatest scenes I’ve witnessed on the show. Things are whispered on purpose and all of the vampires hear it.

4. Ghosts aren’t the only thing Jeremy is seeing.

Remember those awesome character posters the CW put out to get us amped for the new season? Let’s just say that Jeremy’s is especially telling at this point. I was slightly worried after the premiere episode; I couldn’t tell where Jeremy’s story was headed and thought it would mostly revolve around either Bonnie or some new love interest. I’m excited to see where he goes from here.

5. If you’re not crying for the last five minutes, you don’t deserve to call yourself a TVD fan.

First, I just want to say that I agree with Carina Mackenzie of Zap2it. She’s completely on point here. And second, I’m in love with the last two scenes of the episode. It was very well done and will leave you in tears. I wish I could tell you more or even the people in the scenes, but I won’t take away that moment from you!

Get ready, Vampire Diaries fans. This week’s episode is a doozy!

[You can follow Emily on Twitter @EmilyLatka. She’s fun there!]

One comment on “Vampire Diaries Season 4, Episode 2, “Memorial” Spoilers: 5 Tidbits to Tide You Over

  1. Pingback: The Vampire Diaries, “Memorial”: Bloody Hell « The Demo

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This entry was posted on October 16, 2012 by in Emily Latka and tagged , , .

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