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The 12 Best Moments From Suburgatory, “Homecoming”

By John Everett

Suburgatory is back! Last night’s episode, “Homecoming”, really displayed the show at its best. Chatswin is a zany, off-kilter world unto itself that also happens to be populated by a bevy of likable, sympathetic characters, even the ones who flaunt their wealth by buying dueling extravagant gifts for a free-agent housekeeper.

I could go on and on about the show’s narrative choices, like skipping over Tessa’s summer in New York and brushing off Alicia Silverstone’s poorly-received Eden, but really, I’m just glad to have the show back at last. In celebration, here are my twelve favorite moments from last night’s episode, in no particular order:

  1. The “Arlington National Cemetery” –style folding of the pool club umbrellas.
  2. Dalia taking Tessa for just a random street musician
  3. Dallas shaking Dalia until Carmen tells her to stop.
  4. Sheila Shay’s “It was 1991, Jungle Fever had just come out…”
  5. Ryan the Cat
  6. The Medium Fan Club’s interpretative dance to the theme of Medium.
  7. George telling Tessa how often she reminds him of her mother.
  8. Tessa’s performance, and that it turns out Tessa’s mother wrote the show’s theme song.
  9. Lisa hiding in the corner of Tessa’s room.
  10. Sheila threatening to give Lisa her undivided attention
  11. Dalia, trying to be sweet: “Even if you cure cancer, you’ll always be a housekeeper to me.”
  12. Fred Shay’s shameful secret: “It started as bachelorette parties. I was trying to work my way through college…”

Glad to have you back Suburgatory. If “Homecoming” is any indication, it’s going to be a great year.

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This entry was posted on October 18, 2012 by in John Everett and tagged , .

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